Thursday, May 29, 2008

My dear Br. Waseem,
As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullah
May Allah bless you for your thoughts and your mail. Jazakallahu khairan for sharing it with me. I have commented in the body of your mail below..........please read on................
Dear Sir
Recently we were shown the presentation of ‘The Power Of One’ by Mr Abdullah Sujee. By watching this motivational presentation, it has had a great effect on my classmates and most of all on myself.
First of all it has made me re evaluate my thinking of life. It has thought me that I am not just another person on this earth but that I can make a difference. But this difference can only be made if I choose to make it and work hard towards it because nothing in life comes easy. My contribution can be a help to millions of people and I can be remembered for it. This has inspired me. As well as making a difference, I should be a good Muslim because Islam should be the of my basis of life
Also that to make a difference you don't always have to do difficult and huge things. But often it is the small thing that does not take too much effort, which gives you the leverage. The whole concept of One Degree is that it is the small little thing - one 1 degree - that decides the difference between # 1 and # 2. But the results are huge.
Secondly it has changed my thinking on life and its challenges. It has thought me to accept criticism and take it positively and by learning from my mistakes instead of being brought down by it. Hard work is key to success and to take on all the hurdles life throws at me with minimum fuss and 100% commitment.
Always ask people to give you data when they give you feedback. Criticism that is merely opinion is useless. Criticism that is a critique of your actions based on those actions is very useful. So thank people for their comments and ask them for the data on which basis they commented. Also you must always consciously decide what makes sense and what does not. There is no reason to simply accept what anyone tells you simply because they happen to be older or apparently wiser or more educated. Listen well. Understand what is being said. Then ask yourself how well it applies to you. Then accept or reject. But also remember that rejecting too much feedback is injurious to health. Stay around people who are positive and supportive. And who will tell you what you need to hear. Not only what you want to hear.
Lastly this presentation has assisted me in creating a life vision and mission statement as it has encouraged me to think big. It has made me strive to bring out the maximum of my capabilities and to aim for being number one because number two, in my opinion, is first loser. My dream has been to become a doctor and this presentation, I think has made me consider becoming an inventor instead and become a Muslim icon because we need to change the worlds view to Islam into a more positive way.
WOW‼ And you know what is the best thing about becoming an inventor? You can start right now. And you can continue to do it while you study to become a doctor. What is better than becoming a doctor or an inventor? To become a doctor and an inventor. Now think about that. Will it be easy?? But you know that what is worth having is worth working for. Right?
A presentation like this should be shown all over the world, it can and will bring out the best in all of us and will definitely make this world a better place. We as teenagers especially need this motivation because we are passing a critical stage of our lives and a presentation like this helps us to make the right choices for our future.
Jazakallahu khairan my brother. May Allah bless you. Spread the word. Tell people. But remember, people listen with their eyes. They watch to see what you do. How much you practice what you preach. And that builds credibility. If you don't walk your talk, then the talk means nothing. If you walk your talk, you don't need to talk.
May Allah be with you.
Yours Sincerely
Waseem Patel
Yawar Baig

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